"You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."

- Winnie the Pooh

Therapy begins with a relationship. We will get to know one another over time. As this happens, I hope to help you learn about all the parts of yourself so that you can better understand your experiences and behaviors. Through your understanding and development of coping skills, healing can occur, and your true light can shine.

Children’s Therapy

I provide individual and family therapy for children ages 5 and up. Parents can expect to be very involved, in most cases, with parent check-ins happening 1-2 times per month. We will begin with a full mental health assessment and treatment plan. From there you can expect to have your child meet with me weekly with sessions spacing out as progress is achieved. To learn more about my style, click the link below.

Parent Therapy

Being a parent is both an amazing and scary experience. If we are lucky, we have an excellent support system, a good enough childhood experience, and the emotional capacity to care for the needs of our children. However, more often than not, one or more of these things are missing, leaving us wanting to parent more positively, but struggling to get there. I can help by providing therapy targeted at helping you heal to be the parent you always wanted to be. Sessions usually occur weekly with frequency tapering off as desired progress is achieved. For more information about my style, click the link below.